Without this component your Moonpool can’t be used to fabricate arms, projectiles, and other upgrades for your Prawn Suit (and Seamoth.) Thermal Plant Fragments
#Subnautica seamoth fragments upgrade
Sitting out among the debris is a glowing Databox that contains the blueprint for the Vehicle Upgrade Console. You should be able to find enough fragments to complete the blueprint in this area but if not don’t worry, there will likely be another fragment down in the trench with Lifepod 19. In order to build upgrades and projectiles for your Prawn suit you will need to build a Moonpool. There are plenty of fragments laying around. The Torpedo Arm allows the Prawn suit to fire torpedoes. You will need your Laser Cutter to fully explore each piece of wreckage. Some of them are found inside the wreckage and some of them are scattered around with the debris. This area contains several important blueprints. Sitting above that trench is a field of debris with two smaller pieces of wreckage. The lifepod itself is at the bottom of a deep trench. The radio transmission will give you a beacon for Lifepod 19, so finding it is straightforward.
Thermal Plant – Converts heat energy into usable power for your seabases. Ultra High Capacity Tank – Even more O2 capacity for your diving suit. Now that the radiation leak in the Aurora has been repaired, you can ditch your lead Radiation Suit and wear one of these instead. Reinforced Dive Suit – Reduces incoming damage and makes you more heat-resistant. Power Cell Charger – Used for charging the cells that power all 3 vehicles. Upgrade Station – Used to fabricate depth modules for all 3 vehicles that allow them to dive deeper. Moonpool – Required, to house the Vehicle Upgrade Console. Vehicle Upgrade Console – Built inside the Moonpool, this console allows charging and customization of the Prawn Suit and Seamoth, as well as fabrication of upgrade modules and ammunition for your vehicles. The first four listed provide a direct benefit for the Prawn Suit as well as the Seamoth and Cyclops. This relatively easy mission rewards the player with a ton of useful new blueprints. Surrounding this lifepod are some new materials that we’ll need in order to construct the Prawn Suit, as well as some wreckage containing a wealth of important blueprints. It’s no coincidence that this happens to be the same depth where Lifepod 19 sits. With the Aurora visit completed we now have the Prawn Suit blueprint as well the Seamoth Depth Module MK1, which allows the Seamoth to dive as deep as 300m.